
This is a long form, but please don't be intimidated - most sections are not compulsory. However, by filling it out comprehensively you are helping your clinician to understand your situation, and you are likely to end up with more time in your appointment to discuss issues of importance to you. If you need to step away from the form, or you are putting in a lot of time to make it comprehensive, please consider using the 'Save and complete later' link at the bottom of the page.


Dr Foote is not available for ongoing treatment. He may be available in September, October, and November for one-off assessments.

Dr Brown is not available for private appointments (including ADHD assessments).

Contact details

Presenting issues

Mental health history

Common psychiatric medications include  antidepressant medications  like fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, paroxetine, escitalopram, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, mirtazapine, venlafaxine, duloxetine, buspirone, and bupropion;  antipsychotic medications like quetiapine, risperidone, aripiprazole, olanzapine, amisulpride, ziprasidone, zuclopenthixol, and clozapine; anti-convulsant /  mood stabilising medications  like lithium, sodium valproate (Epilim), lamotrigine (Lamictal), and carbamazepine (Tegretol);  benzodiazepine medications  like lorazepam, clonazepam, diazepam, triazolam (Halcion), and oxazepam; and  other medications like melatonin, zopiclone, and benztropine.

Medical history

Current medications

Allergies and adverse drug reactions

Substance use

GP details

Insurance details

Emergency contact details

Appointment details

There will be no additional fees payable if your third-party provider (ACC or other) has raised a purchase order for your Northland Psychiatry assessment.

Please be sure to complete the insurance details above. Depending on the details of your insurance plan, there may be a shortfall to be made up. In that case, we will send you an invoice after your appointment.

If you are seeing Dr Foote, your comprehensive initial assessment will take up to ninety minutes, and may take place via Zoom if you live out of the Northland area or if Dr Foote is travelling. After a thorough and sensitive exploration of presenting issues, psychiatric history, medical history, family history, lifestyle, life experiences, and personality, Dr Foote will discuss with you the diagnosis (if any) and how your experiences can be understood medically and/or psychologically (for more about the unique skills of a psychiatrist, please see www.northlandpsychiatry.co.nz/what-is-a-psychiatrist/). You can then discuss options including medications, psychotherapy, other therapies, and agencies which may be of assistance. 

Dr Foote will prepare a 2-3 page report for you and/or your GP in the week following your meeting. The cost for an initial assessment is $850 including GST. You can pay by internet banking at least two days in advance to ASB 123135015061600, or by cash in person (we do not have EFTPOS). If you need a special type of assessment or report (e.g. for court) please advise immediately as the cost may change and we may have to reschedule.

Thanks for helping us to improve!


By signing, I confirm that I am the person above; the accuracy of this information; my consent to pay any fees; my consent for Northland Psychiatry to seek relevant health information including blood test results, medication details, and other documentation deemed necessary by Northland Psychiatry clinicians for your safe and appropriate treatment; and my acknowledgement that Northland Psychiatry staff operate according to New Zealand's Health Information Privacy Code 2020 (https://www.privacy.org.nz/privacy-act-2020/codes-of-practice/hipc2020/). Northland Psychiatry will maintain the confidentiality of your information, communicating with other health professionals as necessary. In case of significant and immediate concern about your safety or that of others around you, if possible we will discuss with you our concerns and agree on a way forward - in extreme situations, it may be necessary to make limited disclosures to others even if you do not agree. This is uncommon, but important for you to understand in seeking support from Northland Psychiatry.